
Understanding POTS: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, commonly referred to as POTS, is a condition characterized by a rapid heart rate and other symptoms that occur upon standing. At Invictus Chiropractic, we recognize the impact POTS can have on daily life and are committed to providing holistic solutions to support patients' recovery.

10 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Athletic Performance
As an athlete, you're constantly seeking ways to enhance your performance, gain a competitive edge, and reduce the risk of injury. While traditional training methods and sports equipment can certainly help, there's another crucial aspect to consider: chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments can have a profound impact on your athletic performance, and here are 10 ways it can benefit you:
From Kids to Seniors: The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for All Ages
As a practice member of Invictus Chiropractic in Cypress, Texas, you're part of a community that values health, wellness, and living life to the fullest. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch chiropractic care that addresses the unique needs of each individual, from children to seniors.

How Chiropractic Care Supports New Moms
Having a baby is one of the most beautiful experiences in the world. As with anything that matters in life, it comes with sacrifices and challenges that, although temporary, can make this time difficult. At Invictus Chiropractic in Cypress, Texas, we understand the importance of supporting new moms during this critical period. In this article, we'll explore how chiropractic care can help you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood with grace and resilience.

A New Perspective on Autism for Parents
Autism is a multifaceted neurological condition that impacts communication, learning, and social interactions. While many are familiar with the common symptoms of autism, such as difficulty with verbal communication, fewer may be aware of the additional challenges that children with autism often face. These challenges can include chronic gut issues, immune system problems, developmental delays, and more.
Subluxation, Stress, & Chronic Illness
Have you ever wondered why so many children today seem to be facing chronic illnesses and struggling with their health? And why are so many parents grappling with stress and exhaustion themselves?
Motor Tics in Children
If you’re a parent who is deeply concerned about your child who is grappling with the challenges of uncontrollable motor tics, rest assured, you’re not alone.
Chiropractic Sympathetic Nervous System Care
Have you ever wondered why a colicky infant can’t calm down and be soothed? Why it is so hard to redirect a wound-up toddler or young child in the middle of a meltdown? Or why a child struggles for so long to calm and regulate in certain situations?
The Lasting Effects of C-Section Complications
At Invictus Chiropractic in Cypress TX, our trained PX Docs understand the long-term impact on the nervous system from C-section complications. We can measure and address the stress rooted in your child’s nervous system, and with Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic care, can help your child thrive.

Croup, Cough, and Kicking it to the Curb!
As parents, we understand that your child’s health and well-being are your top priorities. We know how challenging it can be to watch your little one struggle with croup, especially those sleepless nights filled with worry when they start coughing and experiencing difficulty breathing.
Overcoming Chronic Ear Infections
Are you a parent who's been through the heart-wrenching experience of watching your child suffer from chronic ear infections? If so, you know the sleepless nights, the tears, and the feeling of helplessness that comes with it.
Healing Begins at Night
Parents, no matter what health challenges your child may face, whether it’s acute conditions like the common cold or chronic neurological conditions like anxiety, ADHD, or seizures - there is one crucial first step you must take: prioritize sleep.
What to Expect From Your First Consult
Are you a parent who’s ever felt utterly frustrated because your child’s pediatrician or traditional doctors just won’t listen? Have you asked questions about the causes of your child’s illness or challenges, only to be dismissed and told it’s all in their genetics?
Nurturing Your Infant’s Development
The journey of parenthood is both beautiful and challenging. As a new parent, you might find yourself asking, “What are the keys to ensuring my infant’s health and development?”.
Nervous System Dysregulation
Have you ever found yourself feeling constantly fatigued, on edge, or easily irritated? Are you struggling to decipher your child’s ever-changing moods and behaviors? If so, you’re not alone.
Empowering ADHD Learners
If your child is facing the challenges of ADHD-related behavior and school difficulties, you’re not alone. The early months of the school year can be incredibly tough for families dealing with ADHD.
Root Causes of Sensory Issues in Kids
Have you ever wondered why your child melts down and goes into a full-fledged tantrum with the slightest change in routine, new food, or outfit you ask them to try, bright lights or loud sounds? Do they struggle to fall asleep and regulate their emotions in a significant way when tired?
Navigating Developmental Delays with Confidence
Parents, we understand that watching your child struggle with developmental delays can be a rollercoaster of emotions. You're not alone in this journey, and we're here to provide you with insights, information, and a path forward that can make a real difference in your child's development!
This One’s For You, New Mama!
In a world that is full of intimidating diagnoses, politically-driven agendas, judgy mom groups, social media, trigger warnings left and right, and the Target checkout lady saying “sleep while you can,” it’s so hard to know where to turn to for advice when you find out that you’re pregnant.